Spring 2004/Final Issue


Welcome to our new online store of Columbine related products you can purchase right here through Amazon.com. Our online store offers a complete collection of books, CD's and videos connected to Columbine. Included also are products that are informative, inspirational and promote healing.

The definitive collection of everything ever created on the subject of Columbine! Also great books on healing, violence prevention, and spirituality!

Prices are subject to change without notice. Your actual price may be different than published on this site at the time the book was added to our Amazon affiliate store.


Rachel's Tears: 10 Years After Columbine...Rachel Scott Lives On New Addition!
By Beth Nimmo and Darrell Scott with Steve Rabey
Forward by Chuck Norris

"I am not going to apologize for speaking the name of Jesus . . . If I have to sacrifice everything . . . I will." –Rachel Scott

The Columbine tragedy in April 1999 pierced the heart of our country. We later learned that the teenage killers specifically targeted Rachel Scott and mocked her Christian faith on their chilling, homemade videotapes. Rachel Scott died for her faith. Now her parents talk about Rachel's life and how they have found meaning in their daughter's martyrdom in the aftermath of the school shooting. Rachel's Tears comes from a heartfelt need to celebrate this young girl's life, to work through the grief and the questions of a nation, and to comfort those who have been touched by violence in our schools today. Using excerpts and drawings from Rachel's own journals, her parents offer a spiritual perspective on the Columbine tragedy and provide a vision of hope for preventing youth violence across the nation.

$10.19 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

Silence Shattered
by Heidi Johnson

Writing a book must be a hard thing to do, and for a 19 year old girl to write about something so horrifying must be even harder. I picked up Heidi's book from our church, and couldn't put it down. I've read alot of books on Columbine and all are good. This is no exception. Although it is short, I like that, as it doesn't take long to read and doesn't overstate things twice. I like how Heidi has it set up, with her life before Columbine, the shootings themselves, and her life now afterwards. It is a personal account, and perhaps can help some people who are still dealing with it come to terms with it, or at least make it more of a reality. It gets one inside the head of a survivor who was there and makes all that we heard on the news and saw in the papers come alive. You should read this book if you were at all affected by Columbine!

- Charlotte Wilkinson, Littleton, Colorado

$21.98 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

Lessons From Littleton
by Brian Brody

A great book on the subject of parenting. A must read for every parent raising a teen!

This book should be every parent's Bible on parenting. It taught us how to set up a system in our home for our "out of control" teenage daughter, where she plainly knew the rewards and consequences of her behavior. For once our lives were more manageable and less stressful. Today she is happily married with a daughter of her own. Thanks, Dr. Brody".

- Paul and Jean MeGeary, Littleton, Colorado

$3.91 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

"Go after God. Whatever it takes, do it. And don't give the excuse,
I am just a teenager
or I'll do that when I grow up, because it doesn't work that way. God wants to know you NOW."

-Rachel Joy Scott

The Journal of Rachel Scott:
A Journey of Faith at Columbine High

by Beth Nimmo and author Debra Klingsporn

An energetic faith, a joy to those who loved her... Rachel tackled doubt head-on and inspired others to trust... Discover this teenage Christian and her journey of faith at Columbine!

Rachel Joy Scott struggled with personal issues like every teenager. She met her challenges with a faith so deep, so energetic, so alive that it underscored everything she said, wrote, and did during her seventeen years on this planet. Nowhere is this more evident than in the stacks of diaries she left behind. Rachel's artwork, poetry, letters, and running talks to God pepper the pages of her journals. They are painstakingly collected, compiled, and reproduced herein by her mother, Beth Nimmo, sisters Dana and Bethanee, and author Debra Klingsporn. A "spiritual workbook" for teens that Rachel helped write!

"I recently had the honor to read one of the galleys of this wonderful book before it even hit the press. This book will no doubt touch the heart of everyone who reads it and take them deeper into the heart and mind of this incredible young woman interpreted so beautifully by auther Debra Klingsporn. Rachel's commitment to God is contagious to the core! I highly recommend this wonderful writing especially to teens!"

-Michael Tamburello, LFC Founder

$4.89 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

Chain Reaction: A Call to a Compassionate Revolution by Darrell Scott and Steve Rabey

Rachel Scott believed that she could make a difference. She targeted three groups of young people at Columbine High School: the handicapped, those picked on by others, and those new to her school. Her weapons of choice were honesty, compassion, and kindness. Rachel's death amplified her deeds and started a ripple effect that has been felt around the world. Chain Reaction details Rachel's vision and challenges readers to be a part of this amazing movement. This book invites people to live a life of unabashed compassion and to help shape our culture with love.

$11.18 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

Editor's Choice!

Nominated for a Gold Medallion Award!

Rachel's Tears: The Spiritual Journey of Columbine Martyr Rachel Scott by Darrell Scott, Beth Nimmo, with Steve Rabey

A moving meditation on the life, death, and faith of Rachel Scott as seen through the eyes of her parents and in her own words. The Columbine tragedy in April 1999 pierced the heart of our country. In December 1999, we learned that the teenage killers specifically targeted Rachel Scott and mocked her Christian faith on their chilling, homemade video tapes. Rachel Scott died for her faith. Now her parents talk about Rachel's life and how they have found meaning in their daughter's martyrdom in the aftermath of the school shooting. Using excerpts and drawings from Rachel's own journals, they offer a spiritual perspective on the Columbine tragedy and provide a vision of hope for preventing youth violence across the nation.

"An impactful writing about a young woman's incredible faith in God and powerful testimony of how she lived it all the way to her last breath! Thank you, Rachel, for opening our minds and our hearts with your inspiring life - your book lies next to my Bible! " -Michael Tamburello, LFC Founder

$10.19 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

Day of Reckoning:
Columbine and the Search for America's Soul

by Wendy Murray Zoba

In Day of Reckoning, Wendy Murray Zoba vividly recounts the horrible events of April 20, 1999, and powerfully dissects controversies that still swirl in the aftermath of the Columbine High School shootings. Based on on-site visits and scores of interviews with survivors and parents and friends of victims, her book gives unforgettable voice to the persons whose lives were most directly affected by the Columbine massacre.

In the frenzy after the Columbine tragedy, many of us missed the real story. Wendy Murray Zoba's sure-footed coverage unearths a cast of young heroes in the center of an irreducibly religious narrative. I think readers will discover a revealing, sober, but mostly inspiring book that lays bare the American soul.

$1.00 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

Editor's Choice!

She Said Yes by Misty Bernall

She Said Yes is a story of growing up in the 90's of peer pressure, adolescent turmoil, and the tough choice parents make. It is the story of a mother's loss - of dreams and hopes dashed by the cruel reality of death at an early age. But it is also a story of redemption more enduring than the tragedy that cut a young life short. Drawing from her own memories, on Cassie's letters and notes, and on interviews with classmates and friends, Bernall has created a loving but unflinchingly honest portrait of a young woman whose struggle to find meaning and purpose in life is sure to resonate with young people and parents everywhere.

$6.99 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

Editor's Choice!

The Martyr's Torch by Bruce Porter

This is the story that the media could not tell. It is a story told through the eyes of a pastor who ministered to Rachel Joy Scott's family in the midst of heartbreaking sorrow and loss. However, it is also a story of vibrant life and new possibilities. It is a story that proves once again that God's people respond to the martyrdom of faithful witnesses as they have for thousands of years-with renewed vigor and overcoming, dynamic boldness unto death. This story graphically demonstrates why the Church will continue to bear a brilliant torch of God's love to all nations until the day of Christ's glorious return.

$11.69 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

Columbine Courage by Ron Luce

Cassie Bernall and Rachel Joy Scott boldly stood up for Jesus because they knew their God was real. In this moving tribute to those who died for their faith at Columbine High School, short meditations and inspiring quotes from youth ministers and teens will motivate your kids to make their lives count for Christ.

$5.00 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

This Is Your Time: Make Every Moment Count
by Michael W. Smith, Gary Thomas

Cassie Bernall's martyrdom at Columbine High shook Smith to the depths of his heart, inspiring him to write a moving musical tribute to her. Now in this beautiful gift book based on his hit song, Smith challenges young people to focus on what matters most and use their gifts to become the men and women God intended.

$16.98 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

Editor's Choice!

God.Com: Extreme Intimacy With An Interactive God
by James Alexander Langteaux

God.com is a refreshing, unflinchingly honest approach to seeking our Creator. Witty, poignant, and surprising text draws today's techno-savvy readers to God's "home page," where they can learn to more fully understand and communicate with Him. In these pages, author James Langteaux boldy tackles some of our toughest questions about maintaining a relationship with an invisible being-discussing God as Father, Lover, and Best Friend. God.com helps readers identify and break down walls of fear so they can allow God's love and purposes to change their lives in profound ways. It invites us all to face the piercing, unpadded truth of God's passion for us and respond, reminding us that our maturity is at stake.

"Packed with powerful wisdom and healing! A refreshing book for anyone seeking to put the Columbine tragedy into perspective and build an awesome relationship with our creator. Written by this former CBN producer and writer known for his innovative style."

$7.06 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

Roaring Lambs: A Gentle Plan to Radically Change Your World by Bob Briner

The author of Squeeze Play: Caught Between Work and Home offers Christians a strategy for re-entering the world and reclaiming their culture. Roaring Lambs celebrates those individuals who are already busy at this work and coaches all readers on the steps they can take to return a vibrant Christian witness to the mainstream of American culture.

"An empowering book for the modern Christian!"

$11.04 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

After Columbine,
A Schoolplace Violence Prevention Manual

by Kelly A. Zinna

Written by an Expert that was There!

This book is designed to empower school administrators, teachers, counselors, psychologists, and parents with up-to-date information about the nature of Schoolplace Violence, and ways to prevent it. The evolution and dynamics of Schoolplace Violence are outlined in the book, as well as the precipitants and warning signs, and ways to successfully intervene before tragedy strikes. The book includes descriptions of the psychological profile of perpetrators, victim typology, categories of threats, and optimal procedures for threat and violence management at every stage. There is an in-depth analysis of the myths surrounding violence, and how these myths can become barriers to reporting concerns in a timely manner.

The book offers techniques for assessing the lethality of threats, including a discussion of the "copycat phenomenon" and how to respond to this. There are recommendations for training and other security issues, and guidance on forming a Threat Management and Violence Assessment Team within the school. Sample policies and procedures are included, as well as chapters devoted to the aftermath of school violence and Lessons Learned from Columbine. This book is an invaluable resource for those concerned about stopping the lethal trend of Schoolplace Violence. The material covered is delivered in a concise and practical manner that is easily adapted to any school setting.

$26.00 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!


Things Get Hectic: Teens Write About the Violence That Surrounds Them
by Philip Kay, Al Desetta and Andrea Estepa

A collection of powerful, disturbing, and ultimately inspiring writings on the violence children witness, suffer, and inflict on one another in this country.

"...it is a must for who have no faith of teens being good and believing in change for a better world to live in as well as ones who are like the ones portrayed so they can change making their environment better."
-Amazon.Com Customer

$18.95 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!

Nobody Left to Hate: Teaching Compassion After Columbine by Elliot Aronson

This is an insightful book that looks at what the school climate is across our nation, particularly in middle and high school. Aronson, a social psychologist, points out that bullying, humiliation, and exclusion are found in schools throughout our country, not just in Littleton, Colorado. This is a town that is like so many across our nation. He shares with us a variety of approaches that can be implemented to promote respect and cooperation within our schools.

$6.95 Click to purchase from Amazon.com!


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